
Irezumi is a rules light table top rpg where the players take on the roles of Yakuza and playing through their career from fresh faced youth to notorious seasoned gangster to the twilight of their choices and demise. It’s a game that focuses on drama and storytelling that should end with the demise of the antiheroes that the players personify.

It is an RPG inspired by crime drama, particularly Yakuza crime drama. It is built upon the very simple but robust Caltrop Core system which has been modified to give you a game about loyality and ambition, of tragic ends and climbs to power. Where your character progresses and is reflected by the ink that they have on their body as they rise through the ranks of their Yakuza family.

Irezumi is a rules light game intended for story telling with a GM and a group. Players make the organisation the work for, they all form part of that criminal organisation from the early days of their career, to the fading twighlight if they even live that long. Prison, rival gangs and even the brutality of your own superiors are all things that need to be overcome.

Irezumi is available in PDF through my Ko-Fi, DrivethruRPG and pages. Physical Copies are Available via Ko-Fi (UK) and Indie Press Revolution (North America).

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Indie Press Revolution